"Filmmaking is a chance to live many lifetimes. Writing is a chance to make a new lifetime. Therefore, I film and I Write"


"And without you girls, where would we be?" -J-

God created earth.
God created humans.

God created two kind of humans. A boy that will turn into a guy and would be a man. And a girl that will turn into a lady and would be a woman. World seems so perfectly beautiful when they are in love with each other. Really. So beautiful. Can you imagine that feeling of being loved by someone? Yeah, I know it feels so special. What about that feeling of being loved by someone we love? Damn, that is the best feeling ever! It makes you special? Check. What else? It makes you feel worthwhile! But it also could be sick, and dark when one of them is betraying their partner. Seriously, it is not the best feeling ever. Being betrayed by the love one? Oh for God sake, that is so hurt! 

So, I met this guy. He's no one. But seriously, if every guy was like him, world would be more beautiful. Because there is going to be a lot of love. Like really really lot of love. Here is my conversation with him:

Him: What is your deepest secret?
Me:   Haha if I told you then, that wouldn't be secret anymore.
Him: Lol fine. My deepest secret is that I like Twilight.
Me:   Hahaha, really? Oh well I like Twilight.
Him: Yeah?
Me:   It's just, you know, I rarely find guys who like Twilight, especially american guy like you.
Him: Haha have you read the books and seen all the movies?
Me:   To be honest.. Yeah haha. You?
Him: Yup, and my favorite is the last one cause of the romance and action I think every girl should be treated like that.
Me:   Yeah, right. And Edward is a verrrry sweet guy!
Him: Yeah, they should, they are princesses! And without you girls, where would we be?
Me:   Haha, oh right. Oh well, I can say that you are sweet!
Him: Well, thank you. But it is true, why wouldn't you give a girl everything she wants? When she gives you kids, and makes your life wonderful!

                                                                                                 - J -

What a word! What a guy! What a heart!

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