"Filmmaking is a chance to live many lifetimes. Writing is a chance to make a new lifetime. Therefore, I film and I Write"


You Guys Are Wonderful.


Really, I sometimes think "Why do I have friends like them?" ; "Where on the earth did I meet them?". But, it always end by this question "What my life would be without them? Without those crazy people around me who always cheer me up, piss me off, make fun of me, and--" I don't know. No, I don't. You know, they are just too precious for me. Of course, we had problems. Well, we had and we have. But still, they always make my day good, or well-- it could be bad. But one thing you guys should know. They make my my life so colorful. Bright to dark. This high school year, wouldn't be so colorful without them. Seriously, I don't care even though they gave me some dark days, but all I know, is that, they gave a bunch of memories.

Thank you guys, I love you :) xx

That girl behind me is, Maudya. She was my chairmate last year, and now we're in the same class again, and would be in the same class for next year! She's nice, a good friend, but-- she's so damn too innocent!

And this! I don't think you can really see it! :D Okay, so there are-- Anya, Deni, Faza, Tito, Me of course, and also Maudya. Actually, it was only three of us (me, Anya, & Maudya). But then, Tito came, so did Faza and Deni. So yeah-- :P

So, there was a little story about me, and my mates.  
"Teman berikan aku ketenangan, Teman buat kurasakan bahagia"
-Teman by Ten 2 Five-

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My Lovers