"Filmmaking is a chance to live many lifetimes. Writing is a chance to make a new lifetime. Therefore, I film and I Write"


LIFE is all we NEED

Life. I sometimes think what does it mean. Like-- you know, until now, I can't really define what life is. Life could be either hard or easy. It depends on how you deal with it. Just like what Mae West said, 
“You only live once. But if you do it right, once is enough” 
I used to think that I haven't done it right, so I kind of thought that I needed my second life. I made too many mistakes, too many stupidities. But that what life is. Life is full with mistakes. I may not doing those great things in my life right now, but just so you know, I'm trying to. I really am.

I thought we couldn't change the line that God made. We couldn't change our fate. But actually we could. It could be better or worse. Again, it depends on how you deal with it. For example, you were offered a good chance of a lifetime, but maybe you said something that you didn't mean to, then voila, you lost that chance of a lifetime! Only in like maybe less than a minute, less than 10 words, you lost everything. That's how you change your fate to be worse, not to be better. True story, cause it happened to me-- like, literally happened. No lies.


And when we have a problem in our life, there's only two options in our mind. Face it. Leave it. "Leave it" actually means "avoid it" and that means "go kill yourself!". We can never runaway from our problem. We can't. The farther you run, the closer they come. Those two options should be faced and solved. Just like what my mom used to say, 
“You cannot find peace by avoiding life.”
Because you know, those problems we have, cannot be solved by itself. It should be solved by us. You will not be happy until you finish something that you started. Like you will not be happy until you solve the problem you made. Well, let say that you will be haunted by them. Again, true story. Again, it happened to me.


Ha! Seems like my life is full with problems. But yeah, thats my life. I did too many mistakes in my life which makes me sure, that, I'm going to learn something new. Because life is a gift that was given by God. A gift that should be taken care by us. A gift that is not everybody can have it, cause there are million people dies everyday. So, live your life in a good way, and be thankful to God for giving you this life, and people around you for teaching you how life should be, cause without them your life will be so empty. nothing.

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